Loox Reviews Exporter Chrome Extension

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👉Loox Reviews Exporter One-year License

Loox Reviews Exporter is a handy Chrome extension that allows you to easily export all customer reviews from Loox product pages. With just one click, you can extract detailed data of all customer feedback under Loox products, including the reviewer, rating, full review text, etc.

Designed specifically for Loox product reviews, the extension enables one-click export to CSV/Excel files, summarizing the scraped review data into tables for easy ops and analysis. No coding knowledge required, it offers a simple and quick review exporting solution.

If you need to analyze user feedback and reviews for Loox products, or want to backup these valuable customer contents, Loox Reviews Exporter is your best pick. It takes the pain out of collecting Loox reviews and makes review export a breeze.

If the loox official website update causes the plugin to be unusable, don't worry. I will update it within 24 hours. However, due to the review process of the Google Store (usually 1 to 3 days), you may not be able to get the latest version in time. If you have any requirements, please feel free to email me directly...🤞

email: support@browseraddons.com

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Loox Reviews Exporter Chrome Extension

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